Abdominal Therapy & Connective Tissue

The Benefits of Abdominal Therapy and Connective Tissue Massage


“Restore Flow” is a synchronicity of abdominal, lower back massage and soft tissue manipulation derived from the techniques of Maya Massage and The Gentling Way (see Heather Bruce at solutions.heatherbrucehealing.com). These amazing therapies are tailored specifically to women (but are great for men too!), with reference to the uterus as the centre of the body. This work is brilliant for women experiencing severe PMS and menstrual cramping. Small Scale studies on abdominal therapy have found that it facilitates hormone balance via improving the structural integrity of the uterus, ovaries and lower spine, increasing circulation and supporting the body to clear adhesions.

Some key areas I work on are the sacrum (lower spine) and tail bone, which are prone to misalignment and injury during the early years. Injury to these areas can affect menstrual health and birthing. Working in this area not only assists with back pain, but also the health and alignment of the reproductive organs, and the structural integrity of the pelvis


Belly massage is a powerful way to stimulate the body’s detox pathways (lymphatic system), reduce inflammation, regulate digestion, bring the uterus into alignment, and reduce back pain. In most sessions, this is where I begin, and it is extremely gentle.

I am dedicated to tailoring appointments to the needs of each individual. I always take a case history, and ask that each client makes me aware of any significant medical events or other chronic conditions.

Clients have described results such as significantly reduced bloating, reduced abdominal pain, reduced pain in the hips and lower back, a feeling of “lightness” in their belly, easier periods, and feeling deeply relaxed.


I get asked frequently whether I do "deep" tissue massage. My answer is usually "not exactly". It is not always (or even usually) appropriate to work deeply into painful areas. My approach is tailored towards the individual. My focus is on fascia, muscle and lymph. The “pressure” I use varies, and I always ask that clients look after their levels of comfort.

A couple of years ago, I realised that my style is intuitive and unique. I feel for what pressure seems to be needed and the direction my hands should move in order to optimise the unravelling of tension, mobility of the fascia and blood circulation. Thus, I have coined the term CONNECTIVE TISSUE MASSAGE. The connective tissue conducts the flow.

RECOMMENDED NUMBER OF SESSIONS: This will vary from person to person. Most people experience positive changes within the first two sessions. Usually, I like to give each client a recommended number of weekly sessions (usually between 4 & 6), and then we decide on any follow-ups within a fortnight or a month, depending on how the client feels. When working with women to improve symptoms of the menstrual cycle, sessions can be further apart and timed according to before/at ovulation and one week before menstruation. E.g. Fortnightly for 3-4 appointments, then monthly at ovulation. I commonly combine Abdominal and Connective tissue massage with ConTact C.A.R.E. (see the next page for details).