The Constipation Diaries #4 - Magnesium

Welcome to installment number four of the constipation diaries. Today I discuss Magnesium.

This mineral is needed for thousand of processes throughout the body. Constipation is one symptom that suggests a deficiency. Other symptoms are pretty varied, such as trouble sleeping, muscle twitches, muscle cramps, tooth decay, aching joints and muscles, general tension, chest tightness, anxiety and headaches. Magnesium has an opening out quality - such as opening and relaxing blood vessels. Hence it relaxes muscles - including the muscles of the gut, and feeds the microbiome. To help my gut relax, I take a moderate oral dose daily. To help my body absorb it into my cells, I apply it on my skin. On my skin?? I hear you ask. Remember, the skin is a sponge, not a barrier (this statement is a bit of a generalisation because the skin DOES act as first line of defense against pathogens…but a medicinal/maintenance dose of magnesium ain’t a pathogen).

Why not get all our magnesium through food? A very valid question, and one that I can only answer according to my experience and understanding of the matter.

There are several reasons why it is difficult for most and impossible for many of us to get adequate magnesium intake via our food. Most of the reasons are due to our receptors being highjacked by other substances:

  1. Soil deficiency. Most of our produce comes from industrial horticulture, where the soil is made to support a heavy load of life. This strips the soil of minerals, crop is harvested and planted again. From what i understand, in a healthy ecosystem, this piece of earth would be rested for several years. It would have weeds grow on it, a variety of animals graze on the weeds and poop onto the land. In other words, it would recover. I’m not sure the land gets rested to the same extent. It does get re-fertilised…but does this equate to the soil acquiring a sustainable mineral balance? I’m not sure. Furthermore, there is the spraying of pesticides and round-up, which inhibit our digestive system from absorbing magnesium (and other minerals) from the plant. It is likely that in eating organic produce there is less interference from toxins - particularly if you’ve grown it yourself!

  2. Over-consumption of gluten and grains. These contain phytonutrients that prevent our bodies from absorbing magnesium. this is even more of a problem if we are sensitive or intolerant to these foods.

  3. Over-consumption of sugar. This not only prevents the uptake of vitamin C and various nutrients, but actually demands high amounts of magnesium to digest. An interesting fact I learnt just the other day is that sugar in its original form - sugar cane or sugar beet - contains the exact amount of magnesium needed to process it.

  4. Stress - both acute and chronic. Stress increases the body’s demand for magnesium, and may deplete limited stores.

  5. Alcohol and Caffeine deplete magnesium

  6. The addition of chemicals such as chloride and fluoride into the water, versus filtering them out, but being left with water that possibly has a low mineral profile.

  7. the presence of heavy metals, chemicals or mould in the body. Many of these substances block magnesium from being absorbed. Magnesium itself helps the body get rid of these things…but you need high magnesium intake for this.

As you can see, there are a number of factors that may result in a deficiency in magnesium. Note that levels have to be dangerously low before a blood test will show it. In order to survive, a certain level has to be maintained in the blood stream. The body will pull it from other tissues in order to keep this balance.

So how to boost magnesium stores?

  • A liquid Magnesium. Apply it to the skin, avoiding sensitive areas, multiple times a day.

  • Epsom salts bath or foot bath, using a general amount of the salts.

  • Taking a moderate dose via pill or powder. Why can’t you only take a mag pill? Your gut can’t process it in high amounts. Particularly as it isn’t in the form of a food source. However, you can use this to your advantage if your toilet hasn’t seen your backside for awhile.

  • Reduce or eliminate sugar, alcohol, caffeine, gluten, and if you eat grains: soak them first.

  • Using products such as bentonite clay and liquid activated zeolites (or TRS spray). These products bind to heavy metals, thus clearing your receptors to uptake magnesium (and other good stuff!).

Many sources say that dark chocolate contains magnesium….I fully take advantage of this fact!

Keren Donaldson